Still don’t know how to vote?
The FIRST AND FOREMOST rule of voting on amendments and propositions appearing on ANY ballot is this: “If you don’t know (how you should vote), then vote NO!” Changes made here are much harder to get rid of than even the worst law on the books passed by legislatures! DON’T SCREW THINGS UP WORSE!–
–It is a “Two-Fer” this November 6. Proposition D should be unconstitutional! There are actually 3 different topics in this and it was challenged and SHOULD have been struck down by the Missouri Supreme Court, but it was NOT! You can “Show-Me” your ire on this kind of a bum’s rush and vote No on Prop D, and vote NOT to retain the Supreme Court and Apellate judges that didn’t think this obviously unconstitutional proposition was actually unconstitutional! Nothing like more and more gas taxes to screw up Trump’s improving economy, or better for shuffling money around to departments that can’t seem to properly handle the tax dollars they are getting now! And a POX on the Republicans promoting higher taxes! NOT in the party platform, people!–Claire McCaskill REALLY IS to blame for an equally unconstitutional monstrosity called Obamacare. Well, tell her “Thanks for Obamacare, Claire” on Tuesday and vote her sorry, privileged, 36 years in office butt OUT of office! If she has been representing Missourians, particularly on the subject of Obamacare, I am an alien creature from Mars… (then link to James article–I’m sure that will fit the narrative here)–Amendment 1 may sound pretty, but it is the ugliest and dirtiest trick maybe ever about to be played on Missourians…or at least that there has been attempted in a VERY long time! Most everything therein the legislature has actually already taken care of (and to the detriment of Missourians’ freedom of speech, but that’s an article for another time), so why is this amendment even there? Well, one of 2 reasons. Remember busing a few years ago where they bused kids from one neighborhood to another to try to equalize the racial and economic make up of schools? And remember how Affirmative Action works in the workplace where you have to hire to a quota to make things more “fair” regardless of an employees’ skills? The redistricting proposed in this amendment is BUSING FOR REPUBLICANS and/or AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR DEMOCRATS! Not only would any given district no longer represent an area’s group of constituents with similar views and concerns, but all districts would be renumbered, and its district lines would NO LONGER BE DECIDED IN A NON-PARTISAN MANNER! DON’T FALL FOR THIS, PLEASE!–Studies (honest ones, anyway) show that teenage marijuana use facilitates the use of more powerful drugs (particularly opioids), that there is a gateway effect, and that there IS more teenage use of marijuana in states that have legalized marijuana–even medical marijuana. Is this what you want for your kids in Missouri? Then by all means, vote yes on the marijuana ballot issues…see more at the 101 minute video, The meat of the matter begins at 15:00 to about 28:00 if you don’t want to listen to the entire 101 minutes before election day…Abigail Adams